It's not really practical for most of us to run away and join the circus, but we highly encourage you to join the Cirque craze!
Stefanie started her Cirques circuit with
Cirque des Cercles using Sassys Fabbys Bluebell 32ct lugana and a custom color HDF Single strand premium over 2 (2329/5141/5300). This came out so beautifully!
After such a beautiful finish, she has moved on to
Cirque des Careaux (CDCx) and shared this picture of her WIP. She is using Sassys Fabbys Angel Dust 32ct lugana with another custom HDF single strand premium over 2 (6119/5141/5300). This silk is such an amazing color, and it matches so well with that fabric. Stefanie is going to have a lovely Ink Circles wall.
Thank you, Stefanie, for sharing your fab photos!
On a personal note, it became clear to me that if I intended to take the Ink Circles show to Nashville next year, that I would clearly be remiss if I didn't have a stitched model of Cercles myself. The gold on black beauty on the leaflet cover was stitched by Marc Davis, who generously let me use his photograph. So, I'm stitching up my version. Let me just say that you [stitchers at large] made picking a color combo sooooooo hard. I have seen so many fabulous combinations paraded in front of me that I was almost paralyzed with options. More on that later...