Monday, July 25, 2011

Growth Spurt

I just love seeing the same piece reinterpreted different ways.  Here are three most excellent examples of Growth Rings that have been shared recently.

First up, Mary finished hers using Crescent Colours Cupid for the red, and Weeks Dye Works Noel for the multi. It is stitched on 28 count African Daisy. This came out just lovely and will be even more so when Mary gets it framed. She's planning on having contoured mats to bring out the shape of the design. 
Mary also sent in a picture for her friend Christie, who also just finished up the chart.  Christie used Threadworks green and purple fibers on 28 count white.  What you can see, is that she's outlined all of the sections in backstitching, which gives a look of Assisi embroidery to all of the green areas. What a neat idea!

This last photo shows the synergy that is obtained by combining the design with beautiful stitching talents with the most exquisite of framers, Jill Rensel.  (Seriously, how many other framers are a household name to needleworkers?)

This is Christine's version. Absolutely stunning. So, Mary (with the first pic) if you had any doubts whether contour framing would look cool, please rest assured that it certainly does!

I should think all three of these stitchers would be terribly proud of their beautiful work. I am!  Thanks so much for sharing your lovelies, ladies. 


  1. They look amazing & the contour framing is just perfect.

  2. All 3 are beautiful! I cant decide which I like best. LOL

  3. To the stitchers who completed these well done - they are all gorgeous.

  4. WOW on all three - great work! I need to get my goods together for my GR, too - I have big plans for it :)
