Monday, November 2, 2009

Getting Flakey

The new issue of Gift of Stitching came out today.  It includes a flakey new ornament by Ink Circles that was stitched back earlier in the year when our Aussie friends would have actually been seeing snowflakes.  Snowflakes are a very popular theme in ornaments - but why are they always silver and white, I asked.  When you hold a snowflake up to the sun you can see a whole rainbow of colors.  My husband, the physicist, would give a very technical explanation that involved reflection and refraction of light.  I prefer to just say, "wow."

Here is my tecnhnicolor snowflake.  Get the pattern for "Sherbet Flake" in the November Gift of Stitching magazine.


  1. It's beautiful Tracy. I knew it was your design the moment I saw it in TGOS.

  2. Your husband is right. Physics is what makes the world so amazing!
